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The Encounter Experience

Upgrade your intimacy. Encounter God. Transform your life.  

Does your heart long to touch eternity?

Whether you're experiencing a robust, powerful, and precious relationship with God - or you're really struggling to connect with Him at the level you know is possible, The Encounter Experience will unlock new strategies and give you new tools to seemingly reach into the heart of God. 

Transform your quiet times with God into sweet experiences of His presence.  

What is The Encounter Experience?

The Encounter Experience is a 5-week immersive experience destined to upgrade your intimacy and heart connection with Jesus.

In The Encounter Experience you'll get practical strategies coupled with powerful insights to transform your connection with God and open the door to beautiful, wonderful, and even majestic Heavenly encounters and spiritual experiences. We all know what one encounter with God can do. Imagine a lifestyle of Godly encounters. Can you say TRANSFORMATION???

Expect to be touched. Expect to be impacted. Expect to be encountered. Expect the unexpected. Take off the reigns. Lift off the ceiling. Permit the Uncontainable God to show up as Uncontainable. Because, beloved, He will. And your life will be evidenced by it. 

The Encounter Experience also includes access to a brand new Facebook community with like-hearted, like-minded believers searching for the more they long for in their relationship with God. You'll get exclusive access to live Encounter Experiences to usher you into the very Presence of God, as well as prophetic encouragement and opportunities to activate, so you can take what you've learned into your own personal time with God. And you'll get tons of tools and strategies to accelerate you on your journey! 

Sign Up Now!

Never again spend your devotional time 'figuring out' how to connect with God. 

Transform Your Intimacy With God...

See His goodness overflow into all areas of your life and experience His Presence more and more.  

  • Feel closer to God

  • Get a happier heart

  • Experience greater peace

  • Love yourself and others better

  • Develop stronger relationships

Sign Up Now!

Encounter your first love again.

Whether you've known God for decades or days The Encounter Experience

will transform your personal relationship with the Lord. 

Meet Dawn Marie, Your Guide On This Journey To Meeting God Experientially 

She's a follower of Jesus, seeks His heart in every situation, and believes He's near and intimately connected to each one of us. She lives a spiritually experiential life and has seen Heaven beautifully and powerfully invade the most unexpected, unique, and difficult life situations. Her passion for introducing people to Heaven is seconded only by knowing the One Who made her just a little bit more every day. 

You're not alone, and it's possible to experience the vibrant spiritual life you desire!

  I've been where you are...

Before I learned to invite Heavenly encounters into my life and my quiet times, I struggled. Yes, I read the word. And yes, I did daily devotionals. And yes, I prayed. But for so long it felt like all head and no heart. It seemed like I did all the 'right' things, but so often it felt so empty. I longed to connect with God. It's what I wanted more than anything, but somehow I just couldn't get there no matter how hard I tried.

I felt like such a failure. I thought, 'Could connecting with God really be this hard?'

And then I learned the art of Encounter. 

  • Say goodbye to challenging and unfruitful devotional times and breathe life back into your

    Secret Place Experiences!

    Where do you want to most experience God's touch right now?

    Clarity and Vision

    Learn how to tap into the heart of God for any life circumstance you're in the middle of right now.

    Direction and Guidance

    Get Heaven's solutions for your finances, relationships, career, family, community, nation, and so much more. 

    Encountering Him

    Transform your devotional time into life-giving and intimate Secret Place experiences

    Hearing Him

    Grow your ability to 'hear' His thoughts and know His ways, in very personal and relevant ways

    Knowing Him More

    Discover Him more and more as you learn the art of being His friend, His bride, His child, and His beloved

    Heart Connection

    Learn how to powerfully connect with God and cultivate the relationship you're created for

    Sign Up Now!

    Reintroduce anticipation and excitement into your God-connections.

    Overcome Roadblocks Preventing You From Experiencing Powerful Encounters With God

    Breakthrough old patterns and mindsets and open up a pathway to a revitalized walk with the One Who is Worthy of your affection. 

    • Learn to calm your heart and mind

    • Unlock strategies to hearing God more clearly

    • Discover common pitfalls preventing Godly encounters

    • Learn to surrender more fully to your Audience of One

    • Discover limiting beliefs preventing many from experiencing apowerful connections with God

    Sign Up Now!

    Maybe you're wondering if The Encounter Experience is for you..

    If you crave more of God, more of Heaven, and more life in your intimacy with God, then YES, The Encounter Experience is for you. If you're struggling with finances, relationships, church, work, family, health, or any other area of life, then YES, The Encounter Experience is for you. 

    You struggle to connect with God during your devotional times. 

    Yes! The Encounter Experience gives you tools to accelerate your ability to connect with Him and make your times with Him powerful, fulfilling, and enjoyable. 


    Your mind wanders during your quiet times and you often have trouble focusing on Him. 

    Yes! The Encounter Experience helps to bring more focus into your time with the Lord, and can accelerate your ability to get into His Presence. 

    You experience powerful and intimate times with the Lord already, but are always learning ways to grow your connection with Him. 

    Yes! The Encounter Experience reveals uncommon strategies to elevate your intimate times with God and unlock new pathways for greater connection and more of His Presence. 

    How much is a rich, powerful, and fulfilling connection with the Lord worth to you? 

      Let's Talk Value...  

    The Encounter Experience is a 5-week journey into the heart of God - for YOU. It's a personal adventure to discover the more you've longed for and knew was out there but didn't know how to access it.

    What would it be worth to you if you had an experiential life with the God of all creation for the rest of your time on this planet?

    For life-altering content similar to what's found in the power-packed The Encounter Experience, others have charged in upwards of $1,000 - but today, you won't spend close to that. In fact, at $397, $297, or even $197 (which is the original price), your connection and intimacy with God would be exponentially transformed, but you won't have to spend that either.

    Today you can sign up for The Encounter Experience for ONLY $47!!! This is less than half of what others have paid for the exact same content earlier this year!

    For less than the price of a cup of coffee a day, you'll experience the delight, decadence, and richness you've hoped for in your relationship with God. 

    In addition to The Encounter Experience 5-week immersive experience, you'll get access to:

    • A Private Community of Like-Hearted, Like-Minded people who will be there to support you and share your journey with you.
    • A 30-Minute Encounter Session on Zoom setting the tone for the rest of The Encounter Experience. 

    And The Encounter Experience is risk-free! I pride myself on delivering extraordinary content and my clients receiving extraordinary results. If you feel I fell short on delivering in any way, simply let me know. I'll do all I can to address your concerns, and if you're not satisfied I'll issue a full refund.  

    Originally priced at $197, now ONLY $47!

    Sign Up Now!

    Special Gift

    If you're one of the first 20 people to sign up, I'm offering a powerful and unique gift. Discover specific keys to unlock hidden doors to accelerate your intimacy with the Lord.

    The first 20, who are fully paid and registered for The Encounter Experience, will receive a Personal Engagement Analysis providing personal insight unveiling specific strategies and focus areas to help you engage with the Lord based upon your personality, calling, destiny, and purpose. 

    This Personal Engagement Analysis is normally priced at $77, but is absolutely FREE for the first 20 registrants. 

    Sign Up Now!

    What others are saying...

    The Encounter Experience was a liberating one for me. It gave me permission to embrace more encounters with my Heavenly Father. I felt that years of bondages were broken off my life. It was a heavenly experience that made me more appreciative of the power of the Living Word of God. 

    Philona D. 

    The Encounter Experience helped unveil the mystery of encounters. Anytime we connect with God eternity has touched us!!! Still in awe of this statement!!!

    Tammany T. 

    I was excited to join The Encounter Experience, but I had no idea what to expect. Dawn did an incredible job of fostering an atmosphere of love, acceptance and permission--all while following the lead of the Holy Spirit. Her prompts and teachings led me into greater understanding and encounters with God.

    Julianna T.  

    Dawn has a special grace and anointing to facilitate people into having heavenly encounters with the Lord. The stories she writes about, the questions she asks, along with the photos she posts--it all works! She also is so full of the kindness, compassion and grace of the Lord. It's hard not to fall in love with her! 💖

    Melanie J. 

    I used to think encounters were these huge ecstatic visitations / visions for a select special few, but the course brought an understanding that encounter is very accessible and is our privilege as God’s children when we enter His presence.

    Ken T. 

    Join the The Encounter Experience Now!

    ONLY $47, and it's risk free!

    If The Encounter Experience doesn't deliver for you, I'll give you your money back. Check out my Unbeatable Guarantee below!

    Grow closer to God and live life of Heavenly encounter

    Upgrade your intimacy with Jesus and watch the overflow of blessing show up in your life!

    Live a transformed life from the inside out!

    When Jesus shows up, the power of transformation does too, and when the transformation power comes on scene, things have to change. 

    Unbeatable Guarantee

    I give you my word that, if you take this opportunity, you're sure to be given my absolute best. But If you feel that I fell short in any way on delivering, just let me know. I will issue a full and immediate refund -- no hassle, no questions, no ifs, ands, or buts. 

    Looking forward to sharing this journey with you! Much power and experiential grace, Dawn Marie

    Sign Up Now!

    © www.dawnmariejones.com 2021